Every registered student shall be expected to take examinations after completion of paying the semester fees. Unless approved by the Senate, all courses shall be examined at the end of the semester in which they are taken.

No student shall be eligible to register for a University Examination unless he or she has:

  • Registered during the semester and paid his/her full fee;
  • Maintained a minimum of 75% attendance at the lectures;
  • Participated in the coursework requirements.

Schools and Departments shall determine and administer common, core, and elective courses.

There are three types of Examinations:
1. Regular Examinations: Administered at the end of the semester of which the units are taken
2. Supplementary Examinations: are specially set for a student if a student has FAILED an exam. The exam should be re-sat three/four weeks after the release of examination results
3. Special Examinations: are specially set for a student at the Discretion of the Faculty Dean if a student has missed to take exams due to:

  • Ill health, certified by University doctor;
  • Bereavement within the student’s family;
  • Arriving at examination hall an hour after exams have started

NOTE: Not because of failure to pay fees